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Frequently asked questions.

  • As you apply these mind brain strategies the prefrontal cortex, aka the executive center will become more active for memory, intelligence, positive self-talk, & execution. This is due to intensive rigor imposed upon the brain to begin the process of creating new neuropathways & paradigms. Your self-worth & desire to fulfill goals will increase & become your new normal. Most important any internal chatter of low achievement will be replaced with confidence.

  • According to Harvard University’s Mind-Brain Education Institute, we can bridge the gaps between mindset, intelligence and results with enriched multisensory exercises and repetition.

    Dr. Rudolph Tanzi a Harvard University, Neuroscience Professor notes “You are the user of your brain & architect its ability… every choice you make determines the experiences you have, and every experience you have will condition your genetic expression. We can change habits and lifestyle by programming our genes, which you can control.

    Dr. Reuven Feuerstein, “it is never too late to improve the thinking powers of any individual, no matter where she or he is at the moment… Intelligence is modifiable and can be changed.”

    "Mind training matters… It determines the quality of every instant of our lives." ~ Norman Doidge

    ” The brain becomes what you focus on and how you focus…as we pay attention, we can amplify activity in particular brain circuits” Dr. Caroline Leaf

  • Changes within the brain normally take an average of 2-3 weeks. A long-term change usually takes an additional 2-3 weeks or up to 63 days of intentional practice to lock in a goal. Resetting the mind can be a slow or quick process, it is determined by an individual’s commitment, the level of intensity and frequency of the strategies applied.

    Who would benefit most from Mindset Reset-Brain training?

    Individuals, small groups, & organizations that would like to enhance individuals intellectual and emotional intelligence, critical thinking, confidence and resilience.