Welcome to the Professional Reset Lab! A place where professionals learn how to shift, to improve their well- being & brain performance. These sessions are intricately designed to work smarter and more efficiently by resetting the mind. The neuroscience of leadership addresses 4 major core modules in Neuro-psycho-biological processes aka (the mind-brain-body connection): How to Build a Mental Reserve, Stress Release Solutions, Body-Brain Minerals and Neuroplasticity Mental Strengths Training. The brain and body work best when time is allowed to “get off the grid”, then reset, to gain clarity and energy. Take time to hone your skills, reduce toxic stress, and discover yours and others bliss.
Now more than ever individuals are seeking work-life balance, mental wellness, faith, and better relationships to experience purpose and meaning.
You and your team have the power to internally reset in sessions designed individually or in small groups. Schedule your professional development session today. $525 per person